When two people start falling in love, they feel that it would never be possible to run out of things to say to each other. But sooner or later, a time comes when even the most devoted of couples may begin to wonder what else to talk about. Which is a pity really, since conversations are one of the most natural ways to know more about each other. So if you are raring to discover more about the new person in your life or simply need to break the monotony of years of marriage, here are a few conversation topics to get you started.
1. Hobbies are one of the most dependable topics of conversation, no matter how long you have known each other. If you are new to the relationship, discuss hobbies that your partner loved as a child. On the other hand, if you have been married for several years, explore the possibility of doing something new with each other – like going for a hike on Saturdays or taking a salsa class for couples every Wednesday night. Pursuing mutual interests may help you to come closer to each other while doing something fun at the same time.
2. Vacations comprise one of the most remembered memories among humans. Ask your partner what was the best vacation he/she took before meeting you and why it was fun. You may be surprised to know that some of the most enjoyable vacations may have been weekend trips and not necessarily spent at exotic destinations. Moreover the conversation might offer you valuable pointers on what your partner likes doing best on holidays.
3. If you are taking a walk at the park, discuss the possibility of having pets someday and if you may, what would you choose to keep. Again if you are already the proud owners of a Labrador or an African parrot, you may think aloud on how having a pet has made a difference to your lives. The topic might seem mundane but it really sounds out issues of home, commitment and role of family in your lives.
4. Ask about your partner’s day after he/she returns home from work. They may be too tired to say much but the very fact that there is somebody to ask after them may speak volumes of your love and support.
5. Discussions on future make very interesting conversations, though you may need to tread lightly on touchy issues like kids or finances. Rather ask your partner to name five new things he/she would like to learn before turning forty/fifty/sixty and so on.
5. If you share common culinary passions, you are unlikely to ever run out of delicious things to say to each other. Discuss a new recipe that you may have come across a magazine or vow to try out the new Lebanese-themed restaurant in town on your next date.
6. Pore over old albums with your partner and you are certain to have a lot to talk about. Pick up clues from your partner’s attitude on what photos bring back happy memories and then ask him/her to tell you more about the time it was taken.
7. Choose one aspect of your partner’s physical make-up and compliment him/her on it. If you love the way dimples form on her cheeks when she laughs, say so. Or if your find the small arch of his lower back insanely attractive, tell him that. Your partner will not only be pleased with your words but the conversation could veer to what else you love about each other – something of which no couple can ever have enough.
8. Inject some fun into your conversations by having him/her tell you about the yuckiest thing they ever had to do. It may be something from their high school chemistry class or the first time they got completely sozzled with friends.
9. Invite your partner to talk about his or her family. Most people will fondly remember an autumn fishing trip with dad or counting starts on a late summer evening with mom. However if you know that your partner had an unhappy childhood, steer clear of this topic.
10. Ask your partner about the best teacher he/she had and why. It could be because the teacher could make the subject come alive like no one ever did or because the teacher taught the most important life lessons your partner ever came across.
11. Spice things up between you two by discussing an erotic fantasy or a crazy thought. However remember to keep it light and fun and don’t bring an element of stress by expecting the other person to act anything out.
12. Sharing pleasant memories about childhood can also make great conversation between couples. Tell your partner about the first time you spent a night away from home and whether it was a sleepover at a friend’s place or a school trip.
13. If the two of you could just drop whatever you are doing and do something fun, ask your partner what would it be. This would be an interesting way of knowing what your partner enjoys doing most, especially in your company.
14. Life goals and values evolve over time and something or someone which you thought your partner considered important may not be so any more. So ask your partner if there was one
15. historical event that he/she could change, what it would be. If this is not the first time you are asking this question, you may be surprised by a different answer compared to the last time.
16. Talk about what you need to do more to make your partner feel loved and valued.
17. If you are sharing a home, discuss what material things are important to each of you. Prioritizing future purchases, especially expensive ones, might not seem a very romantic topic of conversation between couples but its lack can create problems in a relationship. So tackle these issues when there is still time.
18. If you want to know more about the values and ideals your partner holds high, ask about the kind of causes he/she would like to support and why.
19. Finally, don’t forget to tell your partner how much he/she means to you and about all the ways their love and mere presence has enriched your life.
By Kalyani10
From futurescopes.com
Living life...
Sharing views and ideas about life.Enjoy the melodies....
Monday, August 1, 2011
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Budaya Hedonisme & Generasi Akan Datang
Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera ke atas semua pelawat blog. Moga kita sentiasa di dalam rahmatnya. Perkongsian kali ini bakal membawa anda kepada permasalahan budaya "Hedonisme" yang kian menular, merebak umpama racun berbisa yang semakin menyerang remaja islam. Admin bukanlah pakar dalam soal ini. Cuma, sekadar berkongsi kefahaman dan pengetahuan.
Baiklah sahabat, apakah Hedonisme? Hedonisme adalah berhibur secara berlebihan, yakni secara melampau!
~Ya,terus apa bahayanya pada remaja kita?~
Baik, cuba anda baca apa yang akan saya sampaikan. Budaya ini mengajak remaja-remaja islam berhibur. Ya, memang tidak salah berhibur. Tetapi, budaya ini mengajak mereka berhibur secara BERLEBIHAN atau lebih tepat lagi secara MELAMPAU. Lihat kesannya,ia akan melahirkan generasi muda yang amat tidak mementingkan masa hadapan. Apa tidaknya, mereka hanya tahu berhibur dan bersuka-ria. Malah mungkin juga ada yang sampai melupakan kewajipan kepada agama.
"Remaja hari ini adalah pemimpin hari esok".
Lihat ayat ini. Era ini, kita memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dengan baik. Mampu memikul tanggungjawab tanpa khianat kepada mana-mana pihak. Cuba anda fikir, jika remaja kita terlibat dengan budaya Hedonisme ini, bagaimana pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan? Siapa pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan? Remaja pada hari ini bukan?! Ya! Justeru, budaya ini ternyata sangat berbahaya. Tidak perlu diterangkan dengan lebih panjang saya sudah tahu, anda dapat memahaminya bukan? Anda dapat memikirkan tentang impaknya bukan?
Sekali lagi saya ingin mengajak anda berfikir, rasanya, sesuaikah budaya hedonisme ini dengan kita sebagai masyarakat timur yang mementingkan budi bahasa dan adab sopan? Jika permasalahan ini tidak dititikberatkan, maka ia akan meracuni fikiran remaja-remaja yang masih belum berfikiran matang. Jika dibiarkan, sudah pasti ia akan mengubah adat hidup dan budi bicara mereka nanti. Benar bukan?
Banyak lagi budaya yang telah dilahirkan oleh Hedonisme ini. Antaranya, budaya MALAS.
Hedonisme telahpun membius, menyuntik dan melekakan pemikiran remaja, lalu mereka tidak lagi berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mendapatkan sesuatu kerana apa yang mereka tahu hanyalah berhibur sahaja.Pada mereka, hidup hanya sekali, so? "Jom kita enjoy!". wah! Banyak cantik! Korang fikir hidup ini hanya untuk berseronok ya?
Kita dapat lihat sendiri. Gejala sosial turut dilahirkan oleh budaya Hedonisme ini. Eh, bagaimana itu? Baik, mari saya terangkan. Jika sudah di'set'kan di dalam mindanya, life is just for fun, maka sudah pasti hanya ingin gembira sahaja bukan? Hal ini dapat dibuktikan melalui pemerhatian kita, apabila remaja islam mula berkumpul di tempat-tempat yang tidak senonoh seperti di kelab malam, pub, disko dan sebagainya utntuk bersuka-ria. Nah! Di sinilah lahirnya gejala sosial itu. Penyakit sosial mula menjangkiti seperti, meminum arak, terkinja-kinja menari seperti orang gila, mendengar lagu-lagu rancak yang menyakitkan telinga sambil menggoyangkan kepala, bukan ada untungnya malah mengusutkan rambut sahaja. Buat apa yang mereka suka tanpa menghiraukan orang sekeliling. Mereka fikir orang lain tidak ada perasaankah?. Di mana perasaan malu? Di mana adab sopan masyarakat timur? Malah, di mana akhlak remaja islam? Ah, daripada sini,pasti juga akan berlaku pergaulan bebas lelaki dan perempuan yang akhirnya sudah tentu membawa kepada zina. Maka akan rosaklah remaja kita! Saya ulang sekali lagi, rosaklah remaja kita! Bakal menjadi sampah masyarakat.
Sekian, sampai di sini sahaja yang mampu saya kongsikan. Maaf jika masih banyak informasi yang belum dapat saya sampaikan. Moga kita diberi kefahaman. InsyaAllah.
Love Islam...Love yourself...Love your Future...Love your Generation...
Dipetik dan di olah dari islamkanjiwamu.blogspot.com
Baiklah sahabat, apakah Hedonisme? Hedonisme adalah berhibur secara berlebihan, yakni secara melampau!
~Ya,terus apa bahayanya pada remaja kita?~
Baik, cuba anda baca apa yang akan saya sampaikan. Budaya ini mengajak remaja-remaja islam berhibur. Ya, memang tidak salah berhibur. Tetapi, budaya ini mengajak mereka berhibur secara BERLEBIHAN atau lebih tepat lagi secara MELAMPAU. Lihat kesannya,ia akan melahirkan generasi muda yang amat tidak mementingkan masa hadapan. Apa tidaknya, mereka hanya tahu berhibur dan bersuka-ria. Malah mungkin juga ada yang sampai melupakan kewajipan kepada agama.
"Remaja hari ini adalah pemimpin hari esok".
Lihat ayat ini. Era ini, kita memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dengan baik. Mampu memikul tanggungjawab tanpa khianat kepada mana-mana pihak. Cuba anda fikir, jika remaja kita terlibat dengan budaya Hedonisme ini, bagaimana pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan? Siapa pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan? Remaja pada hari ini bukan?! Ya! Justeru, budaya ini ternyata sangat berbahaya. Tidak perlu diterangkan dengan lebih panjang saya sudah tahu, anda dapat memahaminya bukan? Anda dapat memikirkan tentang impaknya bukan?
Sekali lagi saya ingin mengajak anda berfikir, rasanya, sesuaikah budaya hedonisme ini dengan kita sebagai masyarakat timur yang mementingkan budi bahasa dan adab sopan? Jika permasalahan ini tidak dititikberatkan, maka ia akan meracuni fikiran remaja-remaja yang masih belum berfikiran matang. Jika dibiarkan, sudah pasti ia akan mengubah adat hidup dan budi bicara mereka nanti. Benar bukan?
Banyak lagi budaya yang telah dilahirkan oleh Hedonisme ini. Antaranya, budaya MALAS.
Hedonisme telahpun membius, menyuntik dan melekakan pemikiran remaja, lalu mereka tidak lagi berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mendapatkan sesuatu kerana apa yang mereka tahu hanyalah berhibur sahaja.Pada mereka, hidup hanya sekali, so? "Jom kita enjoy!". wah! Banyak cantik! Korang fikir hidup ini hanya untuk berseronok ya?
Kita dapat lihat sendiri. Gejala sosial turut dilahirkan oleh budaya Hedonisme ini. Eh, bagaimana itu? Baik, mari saya terangkan. Jika sudah di'set'kan di dalam mindanya, life is just for fun, maka sudah pasti hanya ingin gembira sahaja bukan? Hal ini dapat dibuktikan melalui pemerhatian kita, apabila remaja islam mula berkumpul di tempat-tempat yang tidak senonoh seperti di kelab malam, pub, disko dan sebagainya utntuk bersuka-ria. Nah! Di sinilah lahirnya gejala sosial itu. Penyakit sosial mula menjangkiti seperti, meminum arak, terkinja-kinja menari seperti orang gila, mendengar lagu-lagu rancak yang menyakitkan telinga sambil menggoyangkan kepala, bukan ada untungnya malah mengusutkan rambut sahaja. Buat apa yang mereka suka tanpa menghiraukan orang sekeliling. Mereka fikir orang lain tidak ada perasaankah?. Di mana perasaan malu? Di mana adab sopan masyarakat timur? Malah, di mana akhlak remaja islam? Ah, daripada sini,pasti juga akan berlaku pergaulan bebas lelaki dan perempuan yang akhirnya sudah tentu membawa kepada zina. Maka akan rosaklah remaja kita! Saya ulang sekali lagi, rosaklah remaja kita! Bakal menjadi sampah masyarakat.
Sekian, sampai di sini sahaja yang mampu saya kongsikan. Maaf jika masih banyak informasi yang belum dapat saya sampaikan. Moga kita diberi kefahaman. InsyaAllah.
Love Islam...Love yourself...Love your Future...Love your Generation...
Dipetik dan di olah dari islamkanjiwamu.blogspot.com
Saturday, November 6, 2010
An analysis, the 2011 budget
By Syed Akbar Ali
Hot news versus one week later analysis. Well when sometime has passed we get more hindsight and more 'analysis paralysis'. I am just rounding it up and putting my two cents worth about the Budget 2011.
Today the Plus folks reveal that the five year postponement of toll hikes simply means that the Government has to pay Plus RM5.0 billion compensation. Plus the RM2.5 bilion unpaid compensation still owing to Plus by the Government, that is RM7.5 Billion of taxpayers’ funds. That is simply leaving money in the right pocket and paying taxpayers money to Plus from the left pocket. Apa beza sangat ?
There are adventurous ideas like building an RM5 billion 100-storey Warisan Merdeka by PNB. The PM said yesterday, somewhere, that the 100 floors of this building will fill up with offices and businesses, implying the 100 storey building means jobs and humming businesses. Well it does not work that way.
Assuming each floor has a minimum of 100 occupants, the 100 storey building will house 10,000 people. These 10,000 people must already have successful businesses before they can move in and pay the rent in a 100 storey “Malaysia’s tallest building”. You cannot build a 100 storey building which will magically create successful businesses to become its tenants.
I guess what will happen is that PNB will arm twist all the GLCs under its wing to take up space at the 100 storey Warisan Merdeka.
There is precedent because this is what UEM(?), MRCB(?) had to do to fill up the Sentral Project in Brickfields. Ask the GLCs and Government departments to move into Sentral. Wouldn’t 1MDB’s Sg Besi redevelopment, Naza’s Jalan Duta redevelopment and all the other Greater Kuala Lumpur skyscrapers also be clamoring for the same GLCs and the same Government departments to fill up their empty spaces? So please plan well.
Then the PM’s wife’s pet project the Permata program has been given another RM111 of taxpayers’ money – three times the RM36 million given last year.
Last year the Prime Minister said there were 900 “anak pintar”. So do we have three times more anak pintar kids this year? Number of children is a biological function. You cannot triple ‘pintar kids’ in one year. Todate the total amount spent on the Pintar program is over RM176 million – which works out to RM195,500 spent per pintar kid so far. That’s more than degree at a private university. OK let me ask a simple question : how are the Pintar kids doing? Folks our money is being spent. So how are the Pintar kids doing? Do you all recall the Monsoon Cup?
Critics have also pointed out an allocation of RM65 million to renovate the Prime Minister’s residence. The question is why? It’s still a new house, made of concrete and steel. Why renovate a new house? And why cost so much?
The good part in the Budget are the incentives for home buyers. A 4 percent interest rate for a maximum of RM60,000 for low cost houses, government guaranteed down payments of 10 percent for houses below RM220,000 for first time buyers earning less that RM3000 a month, and 50 percent stamp duty exemption for first-time house buyers of houses not exceeding RM350,000 is just great. Helping folks financially with the 10% house deposit for huses below RM220,000 is just awesome.
This will help more Malays and other lower income folks own houses (this is a real problem lah). Kudos to whoever managed to slip this gem into the Budget. I take it that this also means that the banks can still lend 90% loans for the remainder purchase price? Syabas. Lets increase house ownership – it will lead to economic growth.
Abolishing import duty on approximately 300 items like apparel, handbags, shoes, shampoo, suits, children’s apparel, wallets, hair colourants, golf balls, imitation jewellery, talcum powder, curtains, table cloth, blankets, bed sheets, shirts, undergarments, lingerie, nightwear, perfumes and mosquito netting (?) is great.
Please include cars and motorbikes in the list too.
I agree with Dr Mahathir that the Employees Provident Funds should be careful with investing 20 percent of its assets overseas (from 7% now). On the one hand we want foreign investment. On the other hand we are sending out our money by the shiploads. What gives? Please don’t buy shopping malls overseas ok. Want to play safe buy OECD Government securities. If it is Greek, discount heavily first.
The Auditor General’s Report has been postponed. Do you share the feeling that there is going to be some embarrassing news? FMT has written about the 2006 Auditor-General’s Report “about a RM32 screwdriver set bought for RM224, a RM160 pen for RM1,146, and a RM50 carjack for RM5,700? …more shocking RM290 million spent by the Customs Department for an outdated user-hostile information system.”
This is the sin of our system for the past 40 years, we do not pay market prices. We always overpay and get less. It is not just bad for us the taxpayers but it is worse for the businesses, the entrepreneurs and the economy. Easy money has made us non competitive and condemned us to the wheel chair.
One Taikor said “the Government pays three times more fo everything anyway”. That is three time market price. The 2011 Budget totals RM212 Billion. There is plenty of fat inside I am sure. Looking at past Auditor-General’s Reports and what the Taikor said, we can achieve what we want to achieve for 2011 using maybe just one third of the amount or RM70 Billion only.
The remainder RM142 Billion will be used to make nails in our coffin, by making easy money GLCs, easy money cronies and other easy money addicts uncompetitive, lazy and handout driven. No need to be innovative, creative, work hard or be bold.
The 2011 Budget also says that “Private Sector Investment” will increase to RM86 Billion. There is some ‘pulling the wool over the eyes’ going on here. The businesses that I run are 100% private sector. The Government never asked me how much I will be investing over 2011. Even if they did, how does my “private sector investment” become part of the Government’s Budget Planning?
What is meant by “private sector investment” actually means spending by the GLCs. That is taxpayer’s money ok, it is NOT private sector investment. For example the Government has Guaranteed 1MDB’s RM5.0 billion Bond issue (that’s taxpayers money folks).
i. The Kuala Lumpur International Financial District valued at RM26 billion.
ii. The Mass Rapid Transit in Greater KL costing RM40 billion (targeted 2020).
iii. the Warisan Merdeka 100-storey tower valued at RM5 billion
So I hope someone will advise the Prime Minister not to keep repeating Private Sector Financing (do you notice that they have dropped that other misnomer “Private Finance Initiative”?) There is no such thing. The taxpayer’s will be paying for everything.
Other than the 100 storey Warisan Merdeka, there are a couple of other dicey suggestions which have slipped under the radar. One is the RM3.0 billion resort developmet in Karambunai.
“Najib said Nexus Karambunai, a renowned resort in Sabah, had committed to developing an integrated RM3bil eco-nature resort, the first in the world, by leveraging on its natural beauty and uniqueness.”
The Government will “give” RM100.0 million. Hah? What do you mean by “give”? Let me guess, the balance RM2.9 billion is “private sector financing”? I find this very hard to accept. I suspect taxpayer’s money will be involved again. Somehow I smell fish here. RM3.0 billion for a resort? In Sabah? I say bro, RM30.0 million tak boleh ke?
Here is some Standard Two calculation to get the Pay Back period. Pay Back period represents the number of years for a business to generate net profit to payback the total money invested in the project.
Saya the Karambunai Eco Resort will have 500 rooms. Say it is 5 star and room rates average RM500 per day (well lets assume the Mubadalla guys from Abu Dhabi will stay there).
Assuming 80% occupancy the whole year (I am being very very optimistic) the calculation is like this : 500 rooms x 80% x 365 days x RM500 = RM73.0 million revenue. Taking 30% "net profit" (a very very optimistic assumption again), net profit will be = RM22.0 million.
So Pay Back Period = RM3.0 billion / RM22.0 million = 136 years ! ! It will be 136 years before they can recover the investment. (Usually most viable businesses have a payback period of 6 - 12 years)
Lets give them even more optimistic scenarios. Lets double the room rates to RM1000 per day (OK lah the Emir of Abu Dhabi may come calling too). At double the net profit, the Pay Back period will be halved ie 68 years. This is still too far fetched.
Here is some more Darjah Dua arithmetic. Say the cost of construction is RM100 psf. It means RM3.0 billion will buy us 3.0 million square feet of resort space in Karambunai. For your imagination and comparison, the Mid Valley Mega Mall has 4.5 million sq ft of space.
Here is some trivia about the Mid Valley Megamall
4.5 million square feet (420,000 m²), a shopping mall, an office tower block, 30 signature offices and 2 hotels, 430 shops on five and a half floors, five anchor tenants; Carrefour, Jusco, Golden Screen Cinemas, Metrojaya and Harvey Norman, an 18 screen Cinema, a state-of-the-art bowling centre, two mega food courts, a 48,300 square foot (4,500 m²) convention centre, a 646 room business hotel named Cititel
I know a resort and a shopping mall are not like “apples and apples” but RM3.0 billion for an eco resort? Shouldn’t it be the case that in an “eco” resort you must preserve the greenery with minimum cutting and covering with concrete. RM3.0 billion sounds way too much. Sinkhole comes to mind.
The other ‘blackhole’ that should be on our radar is the Talent Corporation. Even the name Talent Corporation sounds like some Las Vegas adult entertainment “talent hunting” company. There was no mention of the amount to be given to this Talent Hunters but I think it is a ripoff of taxpayers funds.
The plan to get back 70,000 Malaysians working overseas is ridiculous. Even getting back 10% of this figure or 7000 of them is ridiculous.
Most of them are non Malays who have left the shores for greener pastures overseas. Why would they come back? And if they come back, where would the Talent Corporation place them? Can the Talent Corporation go to IOI Corporation or Gleneagles Medical Center and say ‘we have found this guy who is earning USD30,000 a month overseas. Can you give him a job for RM150,000 a month?’
Its not going to happen. The only alternative is to find them places in the GLCs. I don’t think this will happen either.
So what gives? The fun will be in the “talent hunt”. Whoever the clever beggar “con” sultant or sub-contractor who thought up this idea and slipped it between the sheets is going to make tons of money undertaking the “hunt”. Whether they bag any birds is not relevant. The fun (and the money to be made) is in the hunt. No need to head to the Las Vegas “one armed bandits”. The stick up can be done here. ‘Stick ‘em up’.
Hot news versus one week later analysis. Well when sometime has passed we get more hindsight and more 'analysis paralysis'. I am just rounding it up and putting my two cents worth about the Budget 2011.
Today the Plus folks reveal that the five year postponement of toll hikes simply means that the Government has to pay Plus RM5.0 billion compensation. Plus the RM2.5 bilion unpaid compensation still owing to Plus by the Government, that is RM7.5 Billion of taxpayers’ funds. That is simply leaving money in the right pocket and paying taxpayers money to Plus from the left pocket. Apa beza sangat ?
There are adventurous ideas like building an RM5 billion 100-storey Warisan Merdeka by PNB. The PM said yesterday, somewhere, that the 100 floors of this building will fill up with offices and businesses, implying the 100 storey building means jobs and humming businesses. Well it does not work that way.
Assuming each floor has a minimum of 100 occupants, the 100 storey building will house 10,000 people. These 10,000 people must already have successful businesses before they can move in and pay the rent in a 100 storey “Malaysia’s tallest building”. You cannot build a 100 storey building which will magically create successful businesses to become its tenants.
I guess what will happen is that PNB will arm twist all the GLCs under its wing to take up space at the 100 storey Warisan Merdeka.
There is precedent because this is what UEM(?), MRCB(?) had to do to fill up the Sentral Project in Brickfields. Ask the GLCs and Government departments to move into Sentral. Wouldn’t 1MDB’s Sg Besi redevelopment, Naza’s Jalan Duta redevelopment and all the other Greater Kuala Lumpur skyscrapers also be clamoring for the same GLCs and the same Government departments to fill up their empty spaces? So please plan well.
Then the PM’s wife’s pet project the Permata program has been given another RM111 of taxpayers’ money – three times the RM36 million given last year.
Last year the Prime Minister said there were 900 “anak pintar”. So do we have three times more anak pintar kids this year? Number of children is a biological function. You cannot triple ‘pintar kids’ in one year. Todate the total amount spent on the Pintar program is over RM176 million – which works out to RM195,500 spent per pintar kid so far. That’s more than degree at a private university. OK let me ask a simple question : how are the Pintar kids doing? Folks our money is being spent. So how are the Pintar kids doing? Do you all recall the Monsoon Cup?
Critics have also pointed out an allocation of RM65 million to renovate the Prime Minister’s residence. The question is why? It’s still a new house, made of concrete and steel. Why renovate a new house? And why cost so much?
The good part in the Budget are the incentives for home buyers. A 4 percent interest rate for a maximum of RM60,000 for low cost houses, government guaranteed down payments of 10 percent for houses below RM220,000 for first time buyers earning less that RM3000 a month, and 50 percent stamp duty exemption for first-time house buyers of houses not exceeding RM350,000 is just great. Helping folks financially with the 10% house deposit for huses below RM220,000 is just awesome.
This will help more Malays and other lower income folks own houses (this is a real problem lah). Kudos to whoever managed to slip this gem into the Budget. I take it that this also means that the banks can still lend 90% loans for the remainder purchase price? Syabas. Lets increase house ownership – it will lead to economic growth.
Abolishing import duty on approximately 300 items like apparel, handbags, shoes, shampoo, suits, children’s apparel, wallets, hair colourants, golf balls, imitation jewellery, talcum powder, curtains, table cloth, blankets, bed sheets, shirts, undergarments, lingerie, nightwear, perfumes and mosquito netting (?) is great.
Please include cars and motorbikes in the list too.
I agree with Dr Mahathir that the Employees Provident Funds should be careful with investing 20 percent of its assets overseas (from 7% now). On the one hand we want foreign investment. On the other hand we are sending out our money by the shiploads. What gives? Please don’t buy shopping malls overseas ok. Want to play safe buy OECD Government securities. If it is Greek, discount heavily first.
The Auditor General’s Report has been postponed. Do you share the feeling that there is going to be some embarrassing news? FMT has written about the 2006 Auditor-General’s Report “about a RM32 screwdriver set bought for RM224, a RM160 pen for RM1,146, and a RM50 carjack for RM5,700? …more shocking RM290 million spent by the Customs Department for an outdated user-hostile information system.”
This is the sin of our system for the past 40 years, we do not pay market prices. We always overpay and get less. It is not just bad for us the taxpayers but it is worse for the businesses, the entrepreneurs and the economy. Easy money has made us non competitive and condemned us to the wheel chair.
One Taikor said “the Government pays three times more fo everything anyway”. That is three time market price. The 2011 Budget totals RM212 Billion. There is plenty of fat inside I am sure. Looking at past Auditor-General’s Reports and what the Taikor said, we can achieve what we want to achieve for 2011 using maybe just one third of the amount or RM70 Billion only.
The remainder RM142 Billion will be used to make nails in our coffin, by making easy money GLCs, easy money cronies and other easy money addicts uncompetitive, lazy and handout driven. No need to be innovative, creative, work hard or be bold.
The 2011 Budget also says that “Private Sector Investment” will increase to RM86 Billion. There is some ‘pulling the wool over the eyes’ going on here. The businesses that I run are 100% private sector. The Government never asked me how much I will be investing over 2011. Even if they did, how does my “private sector investment” become part of the Government’s Budget Planning?
What is meant by “private sector investment” actually means spending by the GLCs. That is taxpayer’s money ok, it is NOT private sector investment. For example the Government has Guaranteed 1MDB’s RM5.0 billion Bond issue (that’s taxpayers money folks).
i. The Kuala Lumpur International Financial District valued at RM26 billion.
ii. The Mass Rapid Transit in Greater KL costing RM40 billion (targeted 2020).
iii. the Warisan Merdeka 100-storey tower valued at RM5 billion
So I hope someone will advise the Prime Minister not to keep repeating Private Sector Financing (do you notice that they have dropped that other misnomer “Private Finance Initiative”?) There is no such thing. The taxpayer’s will be paying for everything.
Other than the 100 storey Warisan Merdeka, there are a couple of other dicey suggestions which have slipped under the radar. One is the RM3.0 billion resort developmet in Karambunai.
“Najib said Nexus Karambunai, a renowned resort in Sabah, had committed to developing an integrated RM3bil eco-nature resort, the first in the world, by leveraging on its natural beauty and uniqueness.”
The Government will “give” RM100.0 million. Hah? What do you mean by “give”? Let me guess, the balance RM2.9 billion is “private sector financing”? I find this very hard to accept. I suspect taxpayer’s money will be involved again. Somehow I smell fish here. RM3.0 billion for a resort? In Sabah? I say bro, RM30.0 million tak boleh ke?
Here is some Standard Two calculation to get the Pay Back period. Pay Back period represents the number of years for a business to generate net profit to payback the total money invested in the project.
Saya the Karambunai Eco Resort will have 500 rooms. Say it is 5 star and room rates average RM500 per day (well lets assume the Mubadalla guys from Abu Dhabi will stay there).
Assuming 80% occupancy the whole year (I am being very very optimistic) the calculation is like this : 500 rooms x 80% x 365 days x RM500 = RM73.0 million revenue. Taking 30% "net profit" (a very very optimistic assumption again), net profit will be = RM22.0 million.
So Pay Back Period = RM3.0 billion / RM22.0 million = 136 years ! ! It will be 136 years before they can recover the investment. (Usually most viable businesses have a payback period of 6 - 12 years)
Lets give them even more optimistic scenarios. Lets double the room rates to RM1000 per day (OK lah the Emir of Abu Dhabi may come calling too). At double the net profit, the Pay Back period will be halved ie 68 years. This is still too far fetched.
Here is some more Darjah Dua arithmetic. Say the cost of construction is RM100 psf. It means RM3.0 billion will buy us 3.0 million square feet of resort space in Karambunai. For your imagination and comparison, the Mid Valley Mega Mall has 4.5 million sq ft of space.
Here is some trivia about the Mid Valley Megamall
4.5 million square feet (420,000 m²), a shopping mall, an office tower block, 30 signature offices and 2 hotels, 430 shops on five and a half floors, five anchor tenants; Carrefour, Jusco, Golden Screen Cinemas, Metrojaya and Harvey Norman, an 18 screen Cinema, a state-of-the-art bowling centre, two mega food courts, a 48,300 square foot (4,500 m²) convention centre, a 646 room business hotel named Cititel
I know a resort and a shopping mall are not like “apples and apples” but RM3.0 billion for an eco resort? Shouldn’t it be the case that in an “eco” resort you must preserve the greenery with minimum cutting and covering with concrete. RM3.0 billion sounds way too much. Sinkhole comes to mind.
The other ‘blackhole’ that should be on our radar is the Talent Corporation. Even the name Talent Corporation sounds like some Las Vegas adult entertainment “talent hunting” company. There was no mention of the amount to be given to this Talent Hunters but I think it is a ripoff of taxpayers funds.
The plan to get back 70,000 Malaysians working overseas is ridiculous. Even getting back 10% of this figure or 7000 of them is ridiculous.
Most of them are non Malays who have left the shores for greener pastures overseas. Why would they come back? And if they come back, where would the Talent Corporation place them? Can the Talent Corporation go to IOI Corporation or Gleneagles Medical Center and say ‘we have found this guy who is earning USD30,000 a month overseas. Can you give him a job for RM150,000 a month?’
Its not going to happen. The only alternative is to find them places in the GLCs. I don’t think this will happen either.
So what gives? The fun will be in the “talent hunt”. Whoever the clever beggar “con” sultant or sub-contractor who thought up this idea and slipped it between the sheets is going to make tons of money undertaking the “hunt”. Whether they bag any birds is not relevant. The fun (and the money to be made) is in the hunt. No need to head to the Las Vegas “one armed bandits”. The stick up can be done here. ‘Stick ‘em up’.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Take healthy food......... live healthier
Salam and hi to all my dear frenz. Its been quite some time we haven't meet. Well, busy with works and other activities keeps me apart from writing any entries...With this little time i would like to take the opportunity to introduce to some healthy food which contain some herbs, spirulina, the powerful effect of astaxantin and some vitamins and minerals. Introducing to you GAMAT MAXX, a supplement of Gamat with Blueberry flavor.Great taste with great vitamins at an affordable price....Try it at all Dr. Azimuth branch.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Belaian Oscar Tanda Ajal Telah Sampai

Oscar, kucing yang berpelesiran di hospital Steere House di Rhode Island, Amerika Syarikat memiliki keupayaan menghidu kematian.
- Foto www.metro.co.uk
BAGI mereka yang meminati kucing, setiap kali binatang peliharaan itu datang menghampiri mereka sambil dengan mengiau dan menggeselkan badan dengan penuh manja,hati yang gundah pasti cair dan akan terbit perasaan teruja, gembira dan rasa sayang.
Namun, berlainan pula dengan seekor kucing bernama Oscar yang berpelesiran di hospital Steere House di Rhode Island, Amerika Syarikat.
Kedatangannya di tepi katil pesakit amat digeruni oleh setiap orang.
Ini kerana kehadiran kucing berwarna coklat bertompok kelabu di belakang badan dan putih di bahagian perutnya itu menandakan si pesakit bakal menemui ajal dalam masa terdekat.
Semua kakitangan dan doktor hospital itu mengetahui kelebihan kucing yang mempunyai kelebihan luar biasa ini.

Kehadiran Oscar 'digeruni' kerana ia menandakan ajal seseorang pesakit telah sampai.
Mereka tahu sudah sampai masanya untuk memberitahu ahli-ahli keluarga apabila Oscar 'melawat' si pesakit tertentu.
Jika diasingkan di luar bilik pesakit itu, kucing itu akan mencakar pintu dan dinding sebagai tanda ia ingin masuk ke bilik tersebut.
Malah sesetengah ahli keluarga memuji kucing itu kerana mereka percaya Oscar telah datang untuk memberikan sokongan moral atas kematian saudara-mara atau rakan.
Pelbagai teori dan andaian dibuat berhubung dengan kelebihan Oscar.
Ada yang berpendapat kucing tertentu memiliki keupayaan menghidu sel-sel pesakit yang sudah mati dan bakal menemui ajal tidak lama lagi.
Oscar dipercayai termasuk dalam golongan kucing istimewa yang memiliki keupayaan tersebut.
Thinks the right way 1
People who are nobody: Instead of thinking and trying to understand why people don't get success in their life and try to relate with our condition we should juz help them to achieve their goals...that is if they wanted to.We pray for them too.
People who are somebody:We should think and understand how was the great leaders or great personalities face difficulties in their life starting from their poverty, family problems, obstacles in educations, critics, and refusals toward their ideas.We should understand their spirits,the fun and tears along their way in achieving am ambition so that everybody can enjoy the benefits.
So frenz, lets thinks the right way and have a goal which is parallel with Allah commandment so that we are alwayz in His redha.
People who are somebody:We should think and understand how was the great leaders or great personalities face difficulties in their life starting from their poverty, family problems, obstacles in educations, critics, and refusals toward their ideas.We should understand their spirits,the fun and tears along their way in achieving am ambition so that everybody can enjoy the benefits.
So frenz, lets thinks the right way and have a goal which is parallel with Allah commandment so that we are alwayz in His redha.
1) How long did the Hundred Years War last? 116 years
2) Which country makes Panama hats? Ecuador
3) From which animal do we get catgut? Sheep and Horses
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? November
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of? Squirrel fur
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? Dogs
7) What was King George VI's first name? Albert
8) What color is a purple finch? Crimson
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from? New Zealand
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? Orange (of course)
haha...i guess most of u failed the quiz, and i was too...
2) Which country makes Panama hats? Ecuador
3) From which animal do we get catgut? Sheep and Horses
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? November
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of? Squirrel fur
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? Dogs
7) What was King George VI's first name? Albert
8) What color is a purple finch? Crimson
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from? New Zealand
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? Orange (of course)
haha...i guess most of u failed the quiz, and i was too...
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